Searching for a Venue for your Church?
Believe us when we say we know the challenges church leaders have faced over the last 1.5 years. A few of us are church leaders ourselves. We understand the difficulties they've experienced with closing and opening and closing church venues throughout the various lockdowns and staged reopening across Canada.
For those without an owned facility, finding where to meet in this “new normal” has become even more stressful.
For several years, we have worked with Landmark Cinemas and their desire to help those in the faith community find a place to hold their services.
Landmark’s doors are open to you!

With plenty of comfortable seating, amazing acoustics, and a captivating big screen, Landmark’s space is ideal for your congregation to worship, learn and grow.Answer this quick 5 yes-or-no question survey to help us learn more about your venue needs and you'll be entered into a draw to win a FREE movie pass!
Start Survey
Please share this with church leaders who may be looking for a space to hold their weekly services. Ready to learn more about growing your church experience? For more information about
Landmark’s church facilities, click here