Season 5 Debuts on March 28

Where to watch The Chosen in Canada

  • CW Network

  • History Channel

  • Super Channel

  • YesTV

  • Apple TV (Season 1 & 2)

  • Netflix (Season 1)

  • The Chosen App

  • The Chosen website

  • Paramount Plus

  • StackTV

  • fuboTV

  • Global TV

  • Tubi (Season 1)

  • Plex (Season 1)

  • Prime Video

  • Google Play (Seasons 1 & 2)

  • Microsoft (Seasons 1 & 2)

Bring your loaves and fishes and let God do the rest.

Your tax-deductible donation will help to complete the Chosen series, keeping it forever free and globally accessible. Bring your loaves and fish. Watch God feed the multitudes.

Watch The Chosen in the new Chosen App!

The official new Chosen app gives fans full access to Seasons One through Three and exclusives like their brand new Season 3 Insider Aftershow with cast, Biblical Roundtables, and more.

The app is also available for free on your Roku, Apple TV, or Amazon Fire streaming devices. Just search "The Chosen" within "Channels" (Roku) or "App Store" (Apple, Fire TV).

What Others Are Saying…

  • “The Success of this series is a powerful reminder to Hollywood, that faith-focused hits can sometimes become breakthrough hits"

    John Jurgensen - WSJ

  • “The Chosen carries the character development of House of Cards or The Crown, but with an authenticity to the Biblical narrative like nothing I have ever witnessed in faith-based media.”

    Caleb Parke - Fox News

  • "Take it from a Christian and a critic: The Chosen is as well made and entertaining as many network dramas"

    Chris DeVille - The Atlantic

Screening Licenses & Resources

The Chosen screening licenses are free for Non-Profit organisations. Please follow the links below and fill out your details to help us keep track as we move towards the goal of reaching One Billion viewers. PLUS you will find some incredible extra resources for your sermon, small group or ministry!

Nonprofit Screening License

Church Screening License

Prison Screening License

General Resources

"I 'was' something else once, too. Once you've met the Messiah, 'am' is all that matters.”

— Matthew, The Chosen

The Chosen Gifts



Books & Devotionals

Graf-Martin Communications, the parent company of Faith Films, has been named the Canadian Marketing & PR Agency of Record for the groundbreaking crowdfunded television series, The Chosen, in support of new season releases and mobile app.