Here's What People Are Saying About A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood!
A Beautiful Day
A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD is playing in 176 theatres across Canada! Keep reading, below, to find the theatre nearest you.Tom Hanks portrays Mister Rogers in A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD, a timely story of kindness triumphing over cynicism, based on the true story of a real-life friendship between Fred Rogers and journalist Tom Junod. After a jaded magazine writer (portrayed by Emmy winner Matthew Rhys) is assigned a profile of Fred Rogers, he overcomes his skepticism, learning about kindness, love and forgiveness from America’s most beloved neighbour. While this is not a Christian-content film, it is family-friendly and warm-hearted.
Here's what people are saying about A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NIEGHBORHOOD
"I loved it. The movie gets an “A” grade from Parent Previews" -Kirsten, Parent Previews
"The movie was absolutely exceptional and transformative." -Marina
"My wife and I really enjoyed the movie, it is all that we have been talking about since we left the movie theatre." - Steve
"The movie was fantastic! My husband and I felt so privileged to be able to watch it with other fans of Mr. Rogers - I noticed people laughing, shedding tears and leaving the theater feeling very happy! I believe many people who grew up watching Mr. Rogers either as a kid or with kids, resonated with 'Loyd's story' as adults." - Grace
"I had the pleasure of seeing a pre-screening of A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood starring Tom Hanks. In a fast paced, sometimes cruel world take the time to experience this movie." -Cynthia
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