THE CHOSEN is a groundbreaking historical drama based on the life of Jesus, seen through the eyes of those who knew Him. Set against the backdrop of Jewish oppression in first-century Israel, the seven-season show shares an authentic and intimate look at Jesus's revolutionary life and teachings.

In preparation for Season 4 releasing in theatres across Canada in February 2024, we’ve partnered with the UK and Australia in a global BIG CHURCH BINGE!  

What is the BIG CHURCH BINGE? 

Everyone who has seen an episode of THE CHOSEN will tell you it’s an excellently produced show featuring top-tier talent, incredible writing, and an authentic, historically accurate set. It’s widely available and free of charge to everyone. But what sets it apart is that ultimately, THE CHOSEN is a tool for people to experience Jesus for themselves. It presents unique opportunities for fellowship, evangelism, discipleship, and prayer in a way we haven’t seen before.

The vision of the Big Church Binge is to have congregations across Canada - and around the world - gather together and invite their community to catch up on Season 3 this Fall and Winter.

I’m interested. What’s next?

1) Sign up to show your interest by November 3rd (doing this also gives your church the opportunity to win 1 of 25 THE CHOSEN prize packs containing exclusive merchandise).

2) Visit the resource hub to find free discussion guides, clips and more made available by the Come and See Foundation.

3) Decide how your church will participate. Here are some ideas:

  • Host weekly watch parties at your church. Invite your congregation and your community. Pop some popcorn, watch an episode or two together, pray, and use the free discussion guides to help conversations happen. 

  • Encourage your men, women, and young adult ministries to watch episodes together, weekly, with discussion and prayer afterwards. 

  • Share the opportunity with your church members, encouraging them to invite their friends and family to experience THE CHOSEN together. 

  • Watch and discuss the Bible Roundtables available exclusively on THE CHOSEN app, which is full of great content to help unpack each episode. 

  • Consider an in-theatre community event when Season 4 launches in February. 

Are you in? 

Sign up your congregation below for the BIG CHURCH BINGE (doing this also gives your church the opportunity to win 1 of 25 THE CHOSEN prize packs containing exclusive merchandise).

*Prize Packs will be shipped out the week of October 30

The BIG CHURCH BINGE is brought to you by: